News & Events

YPBI: Styrofoam Tak Bermasalah, Kenapa Harus Dilarang?

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 14th, 2017|News & Events|

Ketua Yayasan Peduli Bumi Indonesia (YPBI) Ananda Musatajab Latif mengingatkan agar kota-kota di Indonesia termasuk Bandung untuk membuat manajemen pengelolaan sampah yang bagus dan modern. "Timbulan sampah dapat berdampak negatif terhadap DAS dan fasilitas publik lainnya. Sungai menjadi dangkal dan tersumbat dan saluran air terpadati oleh material sampah padat yang bermacam-macam, satu di antaranya adalah

Styrofoam Aman Digunakan sebagai Wadah Makanan

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 14th, 2017|News & Events|

Agar terhindar dari bakteri dan kotoran, makanan harus dikemas dengan cara yang baik. Di samping itu, makanan memang perlu dikemas agar tidak mengalami kerusakan baik dari segi tekstur, rasa, atau bentuknya. Beberapa rumah makan hingga produsen makanan instan kerap menggunakan Styrofoam sebagai wadah makanannya. Pastinya, sebagai konsumen Anda memiliki pertanyaan besar seputar Styrofoam yang aman

Simbol Daur Ulang Pada PSFoam

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 13th, 2017|News & Events|

Simbol atau logo daur ulang atau recycle pada Polystyrene Foam berbentuk segi tiga dengan angka 6 di dalamnya. Biasanya terletak di bagian bawah kemasan PSFoam. Pada kemasan Polystyrene Foam selain ada angka 06, juga terdapat akronim ‘PS’ tepat di bawah segitiga. Akronim tersebut merupakan kode bahan yang digunakan pada PSFoam. Dengan adanya Kode ini pada

Salah Kaprah Kebijakan Zero Styrofoam

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 13th, 2017|News & Events|

Oleh: Nurhidayat Gerakan Pemerhati Sampah Plastik, Styrofoam & Limbah Seperti yang kita tahu, kata styrofoam kembali mencuat di pelbagai media massa, pasca-munculnya larangan penggunaan styrofoam di lingkungan Kota Bandung per 1 November 2016, oleh Wali Kota Bandung Ridwan Kamil. Styrofoam adalah sebuah merek dagang pabrik Dow Chemicals yang mengacu pada Polystyrene Foam (PS Foam). Namun,

Polystyrene is One of The Easiest Polymers to Recycle

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 18th, 2017|News & Events|

French energy company Total SA has completed an industrial scale test run incorporating about 20 percent of post-consumer recycled polystyrene within virgin polystyrene. The company announced June 19 that the trial, which followed a series of pilot plant studies, was carried out on an existing production line and led to product “with properties equivalent to

New York Polystyrene Recycling Program

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 18th, 2017|News & Events|

The New York City Council is set to hear testimony on Ia progressive bill that establishes a curbside program to recycle polystyrene foam across the city. I urge members of the Council’s Sanitation Committee to pass this legislation without delay. The bill responds to the cries of small business owners who have asked government to

Foam Recycling Program

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 18th, 2017|News & Events|

  REDDING, Calif. - Residents and businesses in the City of Redding now have the opportunity to recycle foam polystyrene (Styrofoam) thanks to a $49,000 grant from the Foam Recycling Coalition. The City's Solid Waste Transfer Station has purchased and installed a foam densifier. Densifiers compact collected materials into condensed polystyrene bricks that are shipped

Indianapolis Recycling Foam & Plastic

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 18th, 2017|News & Events|

Has the process of recycling left you scratching your head? What goes where and where does it end up? One company in Indianapolis is making it easier by mixing the very things people are painstakingly separating in their kitchens every day: foam and plastic. Plastic Recycling Inc or PRI is revolutionizing the way we trash

Foam is the Solution

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 18th, 2017|News & Events|

In California, home to a $16 billion deficit, politicians are much more focused on banning products and services they don’t like, especially when they involve children, than they are on solving the budget crisis. In January, a law took effect, banning the over-the-counter sale of cold medicines containing the cough suppressant dextromethorphan to people under

Collective of Lawsuit Against Styrofoam Bans

By | 2017-12-18T23:53:59+00:00 December 18th, 2017|News & Events|

LANSING — Mason-based Dart Container Corporation has won a lawsuit against New York City to overturn a ban on the use of plastic foam containers. The effort to ban the containers was led by former Mayor Micheal Bloomberg and current Mayor Bill de Blasio. It took effect July 1 after lawmakers voted to approve it