Foam Recycling Program of California, United States

The City of Redding’s Solid Waste Utility has been servicing Redding households and businesses since 1944 offering residential and commercial collection services.  The City of Redding’s Transfer Station and Material Recovery Facility (MRF) is located at 2255 Abernathy Lane. The facility was constructed in 1994/95 and operations started in April 1995. The facility currently processes about 500 tons of garbage each day and was designed to operate at 750 tons per day to allow for growth.

Transfer Station is a facility where solid waste is transferred from smaller daily collection trucks to larger, more efficient transfer trucks. The purpose of a transfer station is to economize the shipment of waste for disposal.

The Solid Waste Utility also operates the West Central Landfill on Clear Creek Road, which is owned by the County of Shasta.  This is where all of the City of Redding’s solid waste is transported.  The landfill accepts commercial and residential solid waste from everywhere in Shasta County.  Use the Collection Schedule page to view our Holiday Calendar for information on changes to your collection days.

The Solid Waste Utility provides the following residential collection services:


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By | 2017-12-20T09:04:13+00:00 December 18th, 2017|Recycling, Resources|